Man convicted of 1981 sodomy up for parole

February 16, 2011 – 10:13pm


A man who sexually attacked and sodomized a 13-year-old Topeka boy more than 25 years ago is being considered for parole.

In 1983, a jury found James Monroe Pollock guilty of aggravated sodomy and aggravated battery.

Family members of the victim will once again speak against Pollock’s release at the Kansas Parole Board public comments hearing Friday in Room 106-A in the Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson.

The family is asking the public to participate, imploring “anybody and anyone” testify to keep Pollock, 69, in prison.

In a phone interview, the victim’s sister read from a letter she prepared for the hearing.

“The damages that my brother has suffered and the emotional stress has taken a toll on his personal, professional and family life,” she read. “People don’t realize it could be their child or their great-grandchild.”

Pollock attacked her brother and left him for dead in his home in October 1981.

The victim endured 12 operations within 10 months, including a colostomy and a reversal because of the damages suffered that night.

Pollock is an inmate at Lansing Correctional Facility where the final hearing will take place in March, said parole board administrator Marie McNeil.

The parole board most recently denied parole to Pollock in 2001 and refused another hearing for 10 years, the maximum allowed by law.

The victim’s mother said every time Pollock is eligible for parole she experiences a whirlwind of emotions.

“I get nervous, sick at my stomach and just am so afraid that the board will let him go,” she said. “It’s more for other children out there because we can’t let anyone else get hurt like our son has been.”

The victim’s father said this is the type of man you read about, visualize on the playgrounds and don’t want roaming the streets.

Subsequent hearings on Pollock and other inmates will be Monday at the Finney State Office Building, 230 E. William St., in Wichita, and Tuesday at City Hall, 701. N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The victim’s sister plans to attend the Topeka and Kansas City hearings.

“Please do not let this man out of prison,” her letter concluded. “Once a pedophile always a pedophile.”

The Topeka Capital-Journal doesn’t identify sexual assault victims.