Student committee requests$9,000 from Student Senate for guest speaker

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Against the wishes of some members, the Student Senate Finance Committee approved the Center for Community Outreach’s request for funding to bring speaker Greg Mortenson to the University in March.

At Wednesday’s finance committee meeting in the Kansas Union, the CCO requested $10,000 from the committee.

The committee denied the original amount, amending the total to the approved amount of $9,000. The Student Senate will vote on the amended amount next week.

CCO organizes an annual campaign in March, “Into the Street Week”, and plans on Mortenson for the key-note speaker.

Mortenson founded the Central Asia Institute and his recent book, “Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School At A Time,” was on the New York Times Best Seller list three times.

CCO said Mortenson’s reputation as the most sought out speaker and his humanitarian work justify the funding.

Members of the finance committee said their concern was that a speaker with such a hefty price tag can take away funding from other students’ groups and their ability to bring speakers.

“Essentially, one group can bring in one speaker and the rest are S-O-L,” one committee member said.

David Cohen, student senate treasurer, said he would feel irresponsible if he did not speak out.

“I think it’s an absurd amount and way too high,” Cohen said.

According to members, the budget still has more than $30,000 in funding for other groups.

“This is the most amazing speaker and by far the best event Student Senate will have their name behind in the past five years,” one committee member said.

The event total is about $34,000, which includes $19,250 that was raised through other sources, such as Global International Studies and Student Union Activities.